Diversity and Inclusion Statement
Joyful Beginnings is dedicated to honoring each child, each human being as they are. The dignity and divinity of Human Life is central to our work. We are committed to the principles of respect, kindness, compassion, and inclusion. We join together in solidarity alongside those who are taking a stand against racism, injustice, and acts of violence that violate these principles. Joyful Beginnings welcomes families of all races, cultures, religions, national origins, gender identities, family configurations, and abilities. Our work begins with the youngest child, in the hopes that through loving and respectful relationships, we can help to create a more openhearted and caring world.
Joyful Beginnings draws on the work of Rudolf Steiner and the principles of Waldorf Education, among other influences in our philosophy towards parenting and the care of the young child. We take from Waldorf Education the idea that each child, each human being is an individual that deserves to be treated with dignity and to develop in freedom in accordance with their own life’s journey. Joyful Beginnings rejects any statements made by Rudolf Steiner that contradict these principles and we do not stand by any racist statements that may exist in his other works.
We recognize that simply saying this does not solve the problems of implicit bias and systemic racism nor does it heal any wounds, but this statement serves as a first step towards promoting diversity and inclusion in our organization. We acknowledge that we have far to go and are committed to ensuring our work is just and equitable.